Suite101 Feature Writer!!

I am so excited to share with you guys that I was recently promoted to Feature Writer at Suite101. At a website that has since closed down and resolved its domain, I was the feature writer for, with no upfront or rev share at all. I was the SAHM feature writer and loved it! For 12 months, I was the feature writer for Ready Hair print magazine, making a .07 cents per word. But both of these jobs were temporary, gained through ads, with one writing sample. Anyone could have landed the positions.
**photo labeled licensed for reuse via Google search performed 10/11/11 courtesy of**

At Suite, there is a 15 article minimum plus your writing style is evaluated before being promoted to feature writer. In other words, I really feel like I EARNED this promotion instead of being randomly accepted.

I know Panda had a huge impact on content sites. My Suite101 revenue took a nose dive and I had to focus more on upfront pay sites to make ends meet. This last month, I have watched my Suite earnings shoot up, exceeding what they were before Panda. Because most of my articles pertain to the holidays from Halloween to Easter, these months always shows a much higher revenue than normal. Today, my revenue earnings exceeded last years by almost 42%, with only 4 new articles added so far.

All and all, I am happy writing at Suite101. The topic editors are friendly and polite, always complimenting my articles and writing style even when improvements are requested. Making feature writer gives me such a sense of accomplishment and a boost in confidence, too!


  1. Congrats to you, Melissa (I love that image).

    Suite seems to be improving nicely and I expect things to continue to get better. Your increase in earnings sounds impressive. Hope mine pick up as yours did.

    Guess I had better get back to writing.

  2. Thank you so much, Felicia! The higher my per day income rises, they more I want to write for Suite!

    Sorry about the typos in this post. I used Firefox because IE wasn't cooperating and apparently, an automatic editor was on and changed a lot of my words to what it felt was best. LOL I got to proofread much better from now on!

  3. A great congratulations Melissa!! Good for you I am happy to hear it. Like I said on Felicia's site, I joined a few weeks ago and just need to send in a sample of my writing. I hope to get in and see you there. Your site is looking good.
    Keep up the good work.

  4. Joni, thank you so much!I have tried to email you several times but each time it comes back undeliverable. Even when I reply to an email that you sent me. I'm sorry!

    I am sure you will not only get in, but will have loads of success there!
