Beating Writer's Block

On Friday, I sat at my computer for literally two hours writing a few words...hitting delete...writing another sentence or two...hitting delete and so on. My goal for the day was two revenue articles, one for Suite 101 and another for Hubpages. Unfortunately, my normal "Ah ha" moment where a great writing idea hits me and I bang out an article with lightening speed never came.

Normally, I stick to my own advice and write what I know. A topic that I love, something I read or saw interesting, new found or old time loves are things I normally write about, unless I have a pre-planned article. But when absolutely nothing came to mind,  I began to feel somewhat panicked.  How do I build a good, steady revenue income if I cannot even round up an idea for one? Have I written so many upfront pay, 'here's your title' articles that I cannot muster up one on my own?

I decided to take a stroll through memory lane and read my published revenue articles. By the time I had made it through twenty or so, I had a list a mile long of ideas and angles on topics that I had not covered but had information and inspiration to shed light on. Within an hour and a half, I had wrote ten rough drafts of articles.

It hit me that my perspectives, ideas and knowledge on different topics could result in new, exciting revenue articles. I decided then and there when I had an idea or view on a particular subject, I would make note of it immediately. I should have been doing this all along but what can I say? Sometimes it takes my light bulb a few seconds to come on.

By 6PM today, I had so many topics, ideas and article outlines that it will take me a year to write them all. The next time you read an article and know you have something to add, turn it into a passive income article. Your writing portfolio and revenue income will thank you!

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